The following are scheduled programs that our team offers
to our district communities
For more information please call the NDFHT.
Scroll past the services for other available community programs!


The Thunder Bay District Health Unit will be offering a Virtual Triple P Seminar Series (level 2) on Wednesday evenings this spring on April 23, 30 and May 7 from 5:45pm to 7:45pm.
The Seminar Series is a "light touch" intervention designed to give parents an understanding of the basics of positive parenting. The seminars address some of the most common parenting and behavioural issues families face. Seminars provide brief help for parents who are generally coping well but have one or two concerns with their child's behaviour or development. They can also be a good introduction to positive parenting – a way of encouraging parents to consider seeking out other more detailed interventions in the Triple P system. Seminars are suitable for parents/caregivers of children aged 2 to 12 years.
There are three 2 hour seminars and it is beneficial if parents can attend all three in the series.
The seminars are:
• The Power of Positive Parenting
• Raising Confident, Competent Children
• Raising Resilient Children
To register online, scan the QR Code (in the poster) or go to:

Urgent Care is open Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Friday's
effective October 29th, 2024.
No walk-in basis at this time - Booked appointments only, available by calling
807-887-5252 ext. 2 - phone lines open at 9:00am.
Check in at Medical Records prior to your appointment, and wait in the
Urgent Care waiting room located beside the Physiotherapy Department.

Another option is available to those who aren't able to get into Urgent Care
for in person appointments here in Nipigon!
Call 1-800-409-3484 or visit www.nwvirtualcare.ca Monday-Sunday between 12:00-8:00pm for any urgent care related needs, made available by
North West Region Virtual Care Clinic!
The Senior's Van is back up and running!
Call the Family Health Team to book your ride today!

Help spread the word, and #endthestigma!
Specialized services through "Support Services for Male Survivors of Sexual Abuse" are available through NorWest Community Health Centres and Thunder Bay Counselling. Virtual services are available to support individuals across North Western Ontario as well!

Hospice Northwest Services now has Children and Teen monthly Grief Workshops running in Longlac, Geraldton, Manitouwadge, Marathon, Terrace Bay and Nipigon; as well as in Thunder Bay!
These workshops are facilitated by local professionals that have been trained in the HUUG (Help Us Understand Grief) program, and they offer opportunities for children and teens to normalize their grief in a safe and supportive setting.